Thursday, June 3, 2010

Busy Debbie

I've been very busy with my students having RCM theory and practical exams, and we just had our annual concert a couple weeks ago. On top of that I had a really bad flu which lasted nearly a month. I'm still not 100%. While recuperating I had an idea for a children's story. I wrote it, then after it was done I was at Chapters and discovered a book with much the same premise as mine, so back to the drawing board. Kind of bummed me out, I was really excited and thought it was a really unique concept. Oh well.
Still having problems with my youngest son. He is going to be going to stay with his father for a bit, I think. Tough love is needed, I can't see him being successful in life the way he's going at all and I want him to be happy and have an honest, successful life, not end up in prison or worse.
I persevere...

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