Sunday, December 13, 2009

ups and downs

So lets my car back, spent 400 bucks on snow tires, snapped the key off in the ignition and had to pay another 200 for a new ignition, got in a car accident on Thurs (old lady was in front of me going into the hospital parking lot and couldn't drive, reversed into my car), totally effed my back up...not even a week after spinal surgery. least the car's okay, thank goodness! I haven't even had it back a week yet!
Braden stole my painkillers and sold them...I'm sooo fed up with him. Going to see his drug counsellor in person on Monday. And this was the thirty seconds I took them out of my bra and hid them in my pillowcase because my back was too sore to wear my bra and I went to pee for thirty seconds I swear to god and he stole them. WTF.
In good news, I won the contest to go see Matt Good record a dvd recorded performance tomorrow in Toronto! yay!! only 100 people will be in the audience and one will be me! Hope my back will be ok, it's really sore tonight. I'm taking the brat with me so I can keep an eye on him. *sigh*
I think I'm going to see Jewelle tomorrow and finally meet her new baby before the concert too. :) Hope the weather will be good!
Looking forward to tomorrow, there's so little to look forward to these days..

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