Wednesday, September 5, 2007

My first (real) blog aka I am NOT a cougar

Well here I sit, when I should be painting.
My kids are at school for another hour, and all I've really accomplished today is a load of laundry washed and hung on the line. woooo, me!
Me in a nutshell: divorced single parent of two teenagers, eminently sarcastic, reasonably intelligent, jaded, but a former hopeless romantic until the said jading well...jaded me. I teach music, paint, write a bit. Artsy fartsy but without a "real job" as they say . ha

Really, lately, all my life revolves around is painting, music, the kids, watching every calorie I put in my mouth, a boxing dvd I obsessively work out to every day, and a certain person who shall remain nameless.

My kids are barely even "kids" anymore... the youngest started high school yesterday and the oldest became (well legally, anyway) an adult a couple weeks ago. Am I feeling my age? meh. somewhat. Not really. Might have something to do with the fact I only date younger men. heh. (But I'm not a 'cougar' damn it :P)

I'm currently painting Matt Good's two dogs for him. Well, one's finished. The other's giving me a hard time. (keeping in mind this is just a photograph of said dog we're talking about!) I also have to paint a portrait of my sister's dog for a wedding gift for her next month. I just started painting last year, but it seems to be going well, when I'm NOT swearing at the paint/brushes/palette/canvases/light/easel/subjects. *note: this is not very often

I met Matt Good in the summer. It was probably the singlemost thrilling thing of my life, seeing as he's kind of a hero to me. (Okay, basically I stalk him, are you happy!? :P) But anyway, he and I have spoken on the phone and through emails several times since I met him, and well, it's been kind of surreal to me!! I have been a huge fan of his music and his mind for four years now and it's really weird to know the guy in real life. And of anyone I've ever met, he is the truest to his public image. He stands by his values and everyone and everything he believes in. I have such admiration for the man, especially after all he's been through in the last year or so. He did a huge favour for me and my kids recently, and I'm painting portraits of his dogs as a kind of repayment. It's a surprise, hopefully a pleasant one! ha I'm still very paranoid about my art. My paintings are like babies to me and I'm terrified I'll give one to someone who won't appreciate it and who will toss it or something o_O But somehow I can't see Matt doing that, thankfully.

He who shall remain nameless emailed me last night, FINALLY, after not hearing from him for nearly a month and having visions of his lifeless body in a ditch along the QEW...whew. Hopefully it won't be that long before I hear from him again, my mental state doesn't cope well in these situations. (read: i might have to hone my private investigating skills which might be construed by some as that pesky "stalking" word again :P)


1 comment:

Della said...

Hurrah! Welcome to blogger :D

With the stalker thing, just don't take to lurking in bushes, buying binoculars and tapping people's phones... I don't want to have to try to bail you out of jail or something :-p