Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday funnies

Well, that's a misnomer, because there really wasn't much funny about today. It was a beautiful October afternoon. I was, of course, stuck indoors.
Yesterday I attempted to walk the two blocks to the store on crutches. TWO BLOCKS. It was a fucking nightmare. I had to take many, many breaks, and stupidly thought if I brought the grocery cart home I wouldn't have to carry my purchases. Not realizing that it was downhill most of the way home. Have you ever tried to hobble with a crutch under one arm, the other on a grocery cart trying desperately to rein it in while it quickly gains speed going downhill and being urged on by semi-high winds? While having to take constant breaks for the aching pain you're feeling in your ankle, and nearly being blown off kilter every 30 seconds by the wind/acceleration of said grocery cart? I was crying by the time I got home and won't be repeating that experience any time soon. I go to the doctor this Wednesday for this damn ankle and I hope to god they can do something about it! That's ridiculous; they've obviously taken the cast off too soon.
Received a couple of emails from A this weekend; apparently he has the flu or something.
I made homemade veggie soup today that was delicious. I feel like all I do is sit around on my ass which is gradually or not so gradually getting fatter from sitting on it constantly and filling my face.
I have a majorly busy week ahead of me. At least it will keep me from sitting around and eating from boredom!

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